
At Brookside, we believe in reaching those outside our four walls.
To the neighborhood down from the church, to the families in the next county, even to those in Uganda, God has called us to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20

In July of 2022, Pastor Marvin, Pastor Stephen and “Mama” Cassie Bittick were given the opportunity to travel to the Namutumba District of Eastern Uganda to share the Gospel, to teach and preach, and to extend God’s love through Tyrannus Hall of Hope Ministries (THoHM).  THoHM exists to produce reproducing believers and committed followers of Jesus Christ, for the glory and honor of His name.

One of the many opportunities for our mission team was to dedicate and turn over newly built water wells to several villages that previously had no clean water, a vital resource for survival.  By God’s grace, six wells have been completed with plans for more to come!

In the fall of 2022 architectural plans were created for the THoHM ministry center, to include a children’s home, staff quarters, offices, a worship/training center, and medical facilities.  The total cost of these nine structures is close to $350,000 and, in God’s time, we hope to construct these facilities on 3.5 acres owned by the ministry. And YOU can help make it happen!

THoHM accomplishes its mission, by God’s grace, through training local pastors, discipleship of existing Christ-followers, Bible distribution and the like.  In 2022, THoHM trained 60 pastors (of which Pastor Marvin and Pastor Stephen were a part) to be godly, biblical leaders and 300 saints to live as Christ-followers and to share the Gospel in their villages.  Our team was part of that training as well!

The wholistic care of children is a vital part of THoHM. Currently 17 children (mostly orphaned) are under the care of THoHM.  Mama Cassie was a particular favorite of the Ugandan children!

God is doing new and wonderful things in Eastern Uganda and Brookside Church is vitally involved in His work. Thank you for praying for our sisters and brothers in Africa and for your financial support to continue sharing the Gospel in both word and deed.

Our Uganda Mission team is selling shirts to help fund the upcoming trip in July. They are $25 each, and you can order one here: Shirt Order Form

Nice to meet you!
Do you have any questions for us? Leave us a message, and one of our staff members will answer as quickly as possible.
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